當前位置:最新電影網 - 大陸電影 - 求吸血鬼日記第二季中呆萌說的壹句話 17級中 Bonnie假死後 damon 對E說 I will always choss you 這句話的

求吸血鬼日記第二季中呆萌說的壹句話 17級中 Bonnie假死後 damon 對E說 I will always choss you 這句話的




D:Brought you this.

E:I thought that was gone.Thank you. Please give it back.

D:I just have to say something.

E:Why do you have to say it with my necklace?

D:Well...Because what I'm about to say is... probably the most selfish thing I've ever said in my life.

E:Damon,don't go there.

D:No,I just have to say it once. You just need to hear it. I love you,Elena.And it's because I love you that... I can't be selfish with you... Why you can't know this. I don't deserve you... But my brother does. God,I wish you didn't have to forget this. But you do.