Even when there's no hope 即使在絕望的時候
Tomorrow it's the time,Hate'll makes things right 仇恨在明天即將爆發
Shit,Hate keeps me alive 見鬼,我因為仇恨而活著
When shit hits the fan,We all look for God 當面臨困境時,我們總是期望上帝
But by then it's usually too late 但是通常都太遲了
When he doesn't show up 當他沒有出現的時候
It's up to you to deal with your own miserable life 妳只能自己處理悲慘的生活
We all have our way of dealin,Some choose to run 我們自己想出路,有些人選擇逃跑
Other stay and fight 其他的留下來戰鬥
Is it a sin when you reach your limit 那是妳達到極限時的罪惡嗎
When you've taken your last steps 當妳邁出最後壹步
When you can go no more 當妳不能再前進
You find that dark place deep inside 妳發現的是無盡的黑暗
Forget the world you come from 忘掉妳來的世界
Embrace the world you're in 擁抱妳所在的世界