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Hello darkness my old friend. 妳好我的老夥伴黑暗。

I've come to talk with you again. 我又回來再和妳談談。

Because a vision softly creeping. 因為有個悄然而入的幻影

Left its seeds while I was sleeping. 像種子壹樣種在了我的夢裏。

And the vision that was planted in my brain. 這個植入我腦中的幻影啊

Still remains. 至今仍在

Within the sound of silence ! 這沈默之聲裏!

In restless dreams I walked alone. 在這些不安的夢裏,我獨自遊蕩。

Narrow streets of cobble stone. 獨行在狹窄的鵝卵石街上。

Neath the halo of a street lamp. 籠罩在街燈的昏暗光暈裏。

I turned my collar to the cold and damp. 我豎起衣領以抵禦寒冷潮濕。

When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light. 突然壹道虛幻的閃光刺得我睜不開眼。

That split the night. 這閃光劈開了夜空。

And touched the sound of silence. 觸動了這沈默之聲。

And in the naked light I saw. 在赤裸的光影中我看到了

Ten thousand people maybe more. 蕓蕓萬人之眾

People talking without speaking. 他們只能無言地交談

People hearing without listening. 他們只能無心地傾聽

People writing songs that voices never share. 他們只能譜寫不能吟唱的歌曲

And no one dare. 沒有壹個人膽敢

Disturb the sound of silence. 打破這沈默之聲。

"Fools" said I, "You do not know. “愚人們啊”,我說,“妳們不知道

Silence like a cancer grows. 沈默會像癌癥般絕望地生長

Hear my words that I might teach you. 聽從我的勸導吧

Take my arms that I might reach you. 接受我的幫助吧”

But my words like silent rain-drops fell. 但是我的話卻如沈默的雨滴徒勞地落下。

And echoed in the wells of silence. 回響在沈默之井。

And the people bowed and prayed. 人們依然頂禮膜拜。

To the neon God they made. 自己塑造的虛幻之神。

And the sign flashed out its warning. 這個符號自己卻亮出了警訊。

In the words that it was forming. 用它本身所生成的虛幻言語。

And the sign said "The words of the prophets. 符號告誡道:“先知的預言

Are written on the subway walls and tenement halls. 寫滿地鐵墻壁以及住戶的廳堂。

And whispered in the sounds of silence. 悄然耳語在沈默之聲裏”。