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《lie to me》觀後感

不知道妳要英文的還是中文的 The measure of a good TV procedural, for me, lies in the way it handles its exposition. Every case-of-the-week crime show medical drama has to handle it somehow, but there's an art to making it seem like a natural part of the story that not every show can handle.FOX's new drama Lie to Me is one of those that handles exposition well. Wednesday's (Jan. 21) premiere, following American Idol, has to lay the groundwork for its case while at the same time introducing us to the highly specialized field of its lead character, human lie detector Dr. Cal Lightman, and it manages to do both without losing its story-telling momentum. It also offers up a fascinating new character in Lightman, and the show seems poised to join House and Bones in the network's lineup of bright and entertaining procedurals.We first meet Lightman -- played with a gleam in the eye by the talented Tim Roth (Reservoir Dogs, The Incredible Hulk) -- as he's in an interrogation room with a skinhead who's planted a bomb in a church. The FBI is outside, itching to take action, and the guy's lawyer is urging his client not to say anything. "I don't have much faith in words myself," Lightman replies, yet within a minute he's figured out where the bomb is.He does that, we soon learn, by studying "microexpressions" -- the small, unconscious tics we all have that betray our true feelings even we're trying to cover them up. He hires out his services to government agencies, law enforcement and other clients through his company, the Washington-based Lightman Group (Lightman's work, incidentally, is based on the real-life work of psychologist Paul Ekman). Joining him at the Lightman Group are psychologist Gillian Foster (Kelli Williams, The Practice) and researcher Eli Loker (Brendan Hines), whose job has led him to a policy of "radical honesty" -- that is, telling the truth in every situation, no matter how uncomfortable.The premiere follows two cases -- the murder of a high-school teacher in which a socially maladroit student is the prime suspect and that of a congressman who's caught up in a sex scandal. In both, the show uses a multitude of push-in closeups, slow motion and scenes of Cal and his cohorts breaking down video to illustrate the various players' tells. Their expressions are sometimes paired with amusing shots of famous folks, from Kato Kaelin to Dick Chaney to Simon Cowell.The visual tricks, character introductions -- including that of a new Lightman hire, TSA agent and "natural" deception spotter Ria Torres (Monica Raymund) -- and the two cases make for a rather busy, maybe even cluttered, hour of television. Now that we've been introduced to the concept, future episodes of Lie to Me can presumably dial back the cutaways and relax on the amount of expository ground they have to cover. But as I noted, writer Sam Baum handles all that exposition fairly well. The here's-how-it-works dialogue doesn't feel clunky (which is also a testament to the ability of Roth and Williams, who handle most of it), so the episode doesn't get bogged down in explanation. A lot of what makes Lie to Me fun to watch comes from Roth, who clearly is having a ball playing a guy who, even if he's not the smartest person in the room, probably still knows more than anyone else. Lightman enjoys having that leg up on people and isn't afraid to use it for his own gain or to prove a point, but you can also tell that it's not always a treat for him to bear the knowledge that everyone lies, pretty much all the time.Williams handles her role as good cop to Lightman's occasionally tactless bad cop well, but you also get the sense that although Cal pioneered the work in their field, she's every bit his equal otherwise. Hines and Torres are given enough to do in the pilot that it's likely they'll become full-fledged characters as the series moves forward.If the show suffers in any way, it may be in comparison to The Mentalist, CBS' first-year hit about another guy who sees things regular people don't. (Although no one seems to be talking about how similar the concept of The Mentalist was to that of USA's Psych anymore.) It seems to me that the characters are different enough, and the canvas of Lie to Me can encompass more than just criminal matters. Setting the show in Washington, one of the world capitals of prevarication, will probably allow for stories involving government and politics without losing the naturally high stakes involved in crime stories.FOX obviously believes in the potential of Lie to Me to put it behind its biggest show. The early evidence is that the network's faith in the series will pay off. 偶然在報紙上看到這個美劇的名字,找來看看,第壹集就給人非常驚喜的感覺,如果我只是說這部劇是利用人撒謊時的表情來解決麻煩的,妳可能沒什麽感覺,但是當妳看到主角在嫌疑犯投出不屑的眼神後,準確又有根據地說出他是否撒謊,是否說真話,相信妳壹定也會被震驚的。僅從我們平時不被註意,習以為常的小動作就課看出是否撒謊,這種電視劇還是首創吧。 此劇根據真人真事改編,是根據壹個美國心理學家的研究創作的,劇中的大部分理論都可用在實際生活中,稍微留意壹下劇中人物對話,也許妳也可成為輕易看穿真相。 此劇的中文名字是“別對我撒謊”和“千謊百計”,後面壹個好理解,但是壹開始看到前面壹個就奇怪了,又不是"Don't lie to me" ,我覺得這樣翻譯應該是這樣理解:妳對我撒個謊試試! 此劇由著名影片《海上鋼琴師》的1900的扮演者Tim Roth領銜主演,操著壹口典型的英國口音的Lightman在劇中與搭檔Foster帶領著自己的團隊在美國各大聯邦機構和公司中穿梭,也蠻有意思的。此劇4個主演都有自己明顯的個性: Cal Lightman:Lightman團隊的創始人,與前妻離婚,有個15歲的女兒,對於辨別是否撒謊有很高的技能,善於利用圈套讓嫌疑人說出真相,不過有時不太善於控制自己的脾氣,有本事的人總是怪怪的,先前專研究自殺,在壹次意外後,轉而研究微表情。 Gillian Foster:Cal的搭檔,之前是個心理學家,善於循循善誘嫌疑人或證人說出實情,“見人說人話,見鬼說鬼話”,當Cal發脾氣或者搞不定的時候,Foster就能指導嫌疑人沖破心理障礙,說出真相。是個善解人意的女人,不過後來與老公的關系似乎並不如想象中的美好。 Ria Torres:在觀察人的表情方面有極高的天賦的壹個女人,先前做機場安檢工作,由於顯著的天資被Lightman挖過去,雖然沒經過相關訓練,但很容易辨別謊言,性格直率,有時會不爽或者嫉妒Lightman,但由於經驗較少,始終都比Lightman差壹截,相信之後他們之間的較量會更精彩。 Eli locker:數學天才,主要為Lightman團隊制作和提供不同方面的測謊儀器,例如研究聲音的,是只會說真話的“城實先鋒”,盡管有時說出的話不怎麽好聽,有些嫉惡如仇,還因此惹上險些被開除的麻煩。 從看第壹集開始我就被完全吸引,除了壹個問題,這些測謊高手隨時很輕易就知道人們有沒有對他們撒謊,即使是面對他們的親人,朋友或者愛人,這或許是他們不想的,但他們就是知道,就像Ria壹開始拒絕自己的男朋友,因為她怕很容易看出他的謊言,這就是測謊高手的煩惱。