當前位置:最新電影網 - 電影大全 - 求音樂Jimmy Durante-Did You Ever Have the Feeling,如果能發到郵箱272981973@QQ.com,不勝感激!

求音樂Jimmy Durante-Did You Ever Have the Feeling,如果能發到郵箱272981973@QQ.com,不勝感激!

Did you ever get the feeling that you wanted to go,

But still had the feeling that you wanted to stay,

You knew it was right, wasn't wrong.

Still you knew you wouldn't be very long.

Go or stay, stay or go,

Start to go again and change your mind again.

It's hard to have the feeling that you wanted to go,

But still have the feeling that you wanted to stay.

Do, re, mi, fa, so, la, si, do.

I'll go.

I'll stay.