壹刷此劇,感動點主要在於三處,壹處,這個裁縫之子的愛情和童話故事壹樣美好;二處,尋找各種奇人異士,將他們推到聚光燈下,體現著溫暖;三處馬戲團被燒了,在廢墟之中,在絕望之處開出希望之花。驚艷點主要在於,電影中的歌曲都好聽到犯規,不論是 the greatest show,還是never enough,還是 this is me,而休叔不論是唱抑或是跳,都讓我熱血沸騰。
二刷,卻更喜歡上了the other side,這首歌來自休叔說服紮克到他的馬戲團來,當時的紮克是有名的話劇演員,有名有利,經常出入上流社會。這壹段發生在壹個酒館裏,角色只有休叔、紮克和酒保。這壹段頗有西部電影的感覺,就是兩個人從對抗到討價還價,到合作,到***舞。休叔的太太是old money階級,而他自己靠馬戲團發家,屬於new money階級,不論是吃穿用度,這就是片子裏老是提到的花生,還是審美。休叔是試圖通過紮克,進入上流階級,從後來紮克帶他們見英女王,到歌劇巡回演出的瑞典夜鶯,這條逐夢上流社會的路子,紮克確實起到了非凡的作用,所以休叔說服紮克這段就更有意思了。這個大娛樂家確實了得,吸引得了上流社會的小姐,激勵得了各式各樣的員工,更說服得了合夥人還要說成是高價雇傭的員工。他的說服點就是從妳現在的無趣生活中逃開來,進入到另壹個光怪陸離的世界來。這個世界需要冒險,但是這個世界也會回報妳驚喜。嗯,友誼,愛情,大概就是紮克的 the other side。
the other side
Right here right now?
I put the offer out?
I don't want to chase you down?
I know you see it?
You run with me?
And I can cut you free?
Out of the treachery and walls you keep in?
So trade that typical for something colorful?
And if it's crazy live a little crazy?
You can play it sensible a king of conventional?
Or you can risk it all and see?
Don't you wanna get away from the same old part you gotta play?
'Cause I got what you need?
So come with me and take the ride?
It'll take you to the other side?
'Cause you can do like you do?
Or you can do like me?
Stay in the cage or you'll finally take the key?
Oh damn suddenly you're free to fly?
It'll take you to the other side?
Okay my friend you want to cut me in?
Well I hate to tell you but it just won't happen?
So thanks but no?
I think I'm good to go?
'Cause I quite enjoy the life you say I'm trapped in?
Now I admire you and that whole show you do?
You're onto something really it's something?
But I live among the swells and we don't pick up peanut shells?
I'll have to leave that up to you?
Don't you know that I'm okay with this uptown part I get to play?
'Cause I got what I need and I don't want to take the ride?
I don't need to see the other side?
So go and do like you do?
I'm good to do like me?
Ain't in a cage so I don't need to take the key?
Oh damn can't you see I'm doing fine?
I don't need to see the other side?
Now is this really how you like to spend your days?
Whiskey and misery and parties and plays?
If I were mixed up with you I'd be the talk of the town?
Disgraced and disowned another one of the clowns?
But you would finally live a little finally laugh a little?
Just let me give you the freedom to dream and it'll?
Wake you up and cure your aching?
Take your walls and start 'em breaking?
Now that's a deal that seems worth taking?
But I guess I'll leave that up to you?
Well it's intriguing but to go would cost me greatly?
So what percentage of the show would I be taking?
Fair enough you'd want a piece of all the action?
I'd give you seven we could shake and make it happen?
I wasn't born this morning eighteen would be just fine?
Why not just go ahead and ask for nickels on the dime?
I'd do eight?
Maybe nine?
Don't you wanna get away to a whole new part you're gonna play?
'Cause I got what you need so come with me and take the ride?
To the other side?
So if you do like I do?
So if you do like me?
Forget the cage 'cause we know how to make the key?
Oh damn suddenly we're free to fly?
We're going to the other side?
So if you do like I do?
To the other side?
So if you do like me?
We're going to the other side?
'Cause if we do we're going to the other side?
We're going to the other side