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電影《十全九美》講述了壹本奇書重現江湖所引發的“荒唐事”!明朝太子朱笑天(立威廉 飾)偏好木藝,壹心想成為魯班那樣的頂級木匠。為達成此願,在隨身太監小桌子小凳子(後舍男生 飾)的陪伴下,偷偷出宮尋找魯班留下的木藝絕學《缺壹門》,朱笑天在尋書途中巧遇民女唐小蝶(黃奕 飾),並隨她壹起尋寶,與此同時,朝廷密探洪蓋天(劉樺 飾)奉旨調查皇陵地圖遺失之事。於是乎,壹場兒女情長和明爭暗鬥在熱情奔放的異域展開了…

The movie "Perfect Nine US" narrated bunche book reproduction rivers and lakes initiate “tommyrot”! Ming Dynasty Crown Prince Zhu Xiaotian (sets up the William decoration) by chance the art of wood engraving, wants to become the Luban such top carpenter wholeheartedly. In order to achieve this to hope, after along with court eunuch small table small stool (shed male student decoration) under accompanying, leaves the palace secretly seeks for the art of wood engraving which Luban stays behind to give up study "Lacks One", Zhu Xiaotian is seeking book on the way chance encounter people female Tang Xiaodie (Huang Yi decoration), and treasurees hunt together along with her, at the same time, royal government secret agent Hong Gaitian (Liu Hua the decoration) receives orders matter of the investigation imperial tomb map losing. Thereupon, deep love between man and woman and struggles the foreign land which was overflowing with enthusiasm to launch…