Jr. (1922-) 小栢斯葛布殊 二子Gee H.W. Bush (b. 1924)喬治.布殊總統(第41任總統).妻Barbara Pierce Bush芭芭拉.皮雅斯.布殊 (b. 1925). 大仔Gee W. Bush (b. 1946)
喬治.W.布殊總統(第43任總統).妻Laura Welch Bush (b. 1946)羅拉.布殊 孖女Barbara Pierce Bush芭芭拉.皮雅斯.布殊 及 JennaWelch Bush珍娜.威冶.布殊 二女Pauline Robinson Bush (b. 1949 - 1953)保蓮.羅賓遜.布殊 三仔Jeb Bush (b. 1953)傑布.布殊
妻Columba Bush可倫芭.布殊 大仔Gee P. Bush
佐冶P.布殊 二仔Jeb Bush
Jr. 小傑布.布殊 女Noelle Bush 蘿爾.布殊 四仔Neil Bush (b. 1955)尼爾布殊 女Lauren Bush (b. 1984)羅蘭.布殊 仔Pierce Bush皮雅斯.布殊 五仔Marvin Bush (b. 1956)馬雲.布殊 六女Dorothy Bush Koch (b. 1959)多露菲.布殊.高爾. 夫Bobby Koch波比.高爾 三女Nancy Bush Ellis (b. 1926)蘭斯.布殊.艾利斯 仔John Prescott Ellis約翰.栢斯葛.艾利斯 四仔Jonathan Bush約翰芬布殊 大仔Jonathan S. Bush小約翰芬.布殊 二仔Billy Bush比利.布殊 五仔William H.T. Bush威亷.布殊
喬治·沃克·布希(Gee Walker Bush,1946年7月6日—)是美國第43任總統(港常稱小布殊或喬治布殊;臺常稱小布希;大陸有時稱小布什)。其父為美國前總統喬治·赫伯特·沃克·布希,是美國歷史上第二次由父子先後擔任總統(第壹次是約翰·亞當斯和約翰·昆西·亞當斯)。他任內的副總統是迪克·錢尼。 喬治·沃克·布希任內的政策最廣為人知的,乃於由2001年起先後對阿富汗、伊拉克進行反恐戰爭,期間雖然已宣布獲勝,但直至2006年兩地駐軍仍不斷受到襲擊,美軍陣亡數字不斷上升。而戰爭也造成大量無辜平民傷亡,不少反對喬治·沃克·布希的人更以伊拉克戰事為據,指責喬治·沃克·布希乃世界頭號 *** 。 簡歷 圖片參考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/thumb/b/bb/GW-Bush-in-uniform/200px-GW-Bush-in-uniform 圖片參考:zh. *** /skins-1.5/mon/images/magnify-clip 德克薩斯空軍時期的布希 喬治·沃克·布希出生於康乃狄克州的紐哈芬,有四個兄妹,在美國中部德克薩斯州休斯頓長大。因為他的父親,他得以分別在菲利普學院(1961年10月—1964年6月)和耶魯大學((1964年9月—1968年5月)接受教育,並於1968年獲得了歷史學學士學位。 耶魯畢業後,5月27日,布希應征入伍,加入德克薩斯空軍國民警衛隊。1972年前作為F-102型截擊機飛行員獲得兩次晉升,從少尉到中尉(參見英美軍銜)。1970年11月德克薩斯州空軍國民警衛隊指揮官傑瑞·凱爾蘭(Jerry B. Killian)中校推薦布希晉升為中尉。1973年9月,為趕上哈佛大學開學時間,布希提前6個月結束了他為期六年的義務兵生涯。 1975年獲得MBA學位(使他成為第壹個有MBA學位的總統)。肯尼邦克港(Kennebunkport)警察局曾在2000年大選前5天公布這樣壹則新聞:1976年9月4日,勞動節周末,布希因為酒後駕車被警察拘捕,扣駕照。畢業以後涉足石油業。曾經於1994年及1998年連任德克薩斯州州長。 Gee Walker Bush (born July 6
1946) is the 43rd and current President of the United States
inaugurated on January 20
2001. He was re-elected in the 2004 Presidential election and is currently serving his second term. He formerly served as the 46th Governor of Texas from 1995 to 2000. A Republican
he belongs to one of the most politically influential American families
being a son of former president Gee Bush and elder brother to Jeb Bush
Governor of Florida. He is often referred to by the nickname Dubya
playing on a stereotyped and generalized Southern pronunciation of the letter W. A self-described "War President"
[1] Bush won re-election in 2004 after an intense and heated election campaign
being the first candidate to win a majority vote in 16 years.[2] Since his re-election
he has received increasingly heated critici ***
even from former allies
on the Iraq War
Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse scandals
as well as domestic issues such as federal funding of stem cell research
Hurricane Katrina
NSA warrantless surveillance controversy
and a number of controversies such as the Plame CIA leak controversy. Job approval rating polls show that during this period his popularity has strongly declined from its record heights after the September 11
2001 attacks. 圖片參考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/thumb/0/03/Bush_daughers/250px-Bush_daughers 圖片參考:en. *** /skins-1.5/mon/images/magnify-clip Gee and Laura Bush with their daughters
Jenna and Barbara
in 1990.