抽取英文:extract; draw out; suck; abstraction
Extract and marshal data from Web pages into structural document; ?
2、Web的半結構化數據抽取的方法及其實現 ?
The Means and Realization of Partly-Structured Data Extract on Web ?
dict.cnki.net ?
3、我們把手探進壹袋信件中抽取獲獎者。 ?
We delved through a sackful of letters to draw the winning name ?
4、羊膜穿刺術是從羊膜囊抽取羊水的技術。 ?
Amniocentesis is the removal of fluid from the amniotic sac. ?
5、這些農場的運行大多要靠從當地河湖裏抽取灌溉水。 ?
Most of these operations draw irrigation water from local rivers or lakes. ?
6、我自己在斯坦福青少年中心做的研究並未進行大規模調查,只是抽取了小數量的樣本進行深入采訪。 ?
My own research at the Stanford Center on Adolescence uses in-depth interviews with small samples of youngsters rather than large-scale survey. ?
7、盡管規劃的工廠將位於40多英裏之外,通過管道抽取純堿,但環保主義者擔心它仍會破壞天然的水循環和繁殖地。 ?
Although the planned operation will be located more than 40 miles away, drawing the soda ash in through pipelines, conservationists worry it could still upset the natural water cycle and breeding grounds. ?
8、這就意味從壹些井裏抽取上來的水甚至需要經過脫鹽,從而會增加成本。 ?
This means that some wells may even need to undergo desalination after extraction, thus increasing the cost. ?
9、加利福尼亞州多年來壹直面臨著幹早問題,壹些地方甚至需要從數百英裏以外的地方抽取淡水到分配系統。 ?
California has been facing a drought for many years now, with certain areas even having to pump freshwater hundreds of miles to their distribution system. ?
10、以前的鉆井深度僅僅能到達地下壹千英尺,但是由於新的抽水方法,比這更深的地下水也可以被抽取上來。 ?
Previous drilling of wells could only reach depths of 1,000 feet, but due to new pumping practices, water deeper than this can now be extracted.