當前位置:最新電影網 - qq音樂 - 魔獸爭霸澄海3C1.21版本,團體比賽中阿爾賽斯彈的歌曲是什麽(名字)。



薩滿之歌 Power of the Horde(部落的力量!)

STORM EARTH and FIRE heed my call!(風暴,大地,火焰,聽我號令!)

I am the son of the wind and rain, (吾乃風與雨之子)

Thunder beckons and I heed the call. (我聽見雷電的召喚)

If I die upon this day, (即使我將要死去)

In battle I will fall. (那也是倒在戰場上)

Hear me brothers gather up the wolves,(勇士們集合妳們的座狼)

To battle, we will ride. (我們將征服這場戰爭)

Wardrums echo the beating heart, (我心跳如戰鼓在擂動)

Pounding from inside. (勝利之歌響徹戰場)

STORM (風暴)

Black clouds fill the sky. (黑雲彌漫著天空)(風怒。。。。)

EARTH (大地)

Hear my battle cry. (傾聽我的戰吼)

FIRE (火焰)

Thunder will bring forth... (雷霆即將來臨)

DEATH (死亡)

From the power of the Horde... (感受部落的力量吧!)

Farseer to the Warsong clan, (吾乃氏族的先知)

To no matter will I kneel. (不會向任何人屈服)

Feel the power and the energy, (感受那無盡力量與活力)

For the black blood, honor and steel. (黑色的血液,鋼鐵般的榮耀)

I feel the fire burning in my veins, (我感到烈焰在我血液裏燃燒)

Lightning strikes at my command. (雷電在我的指揮中閃耀)

By storm and earth, axe and fire, (通過風暴與大地,利斧與烈焰)

We come to claim this land. (我們征服這片土地)

STORM (風暴)

Black clouds fill the sky.(黑雲彌漫著天空)

EARTH (大地)

Hear my battle cry. (傾聽我的戰吼)

FIRE (火焰)

Thunder will bring forth... (雷霆即將來臨)

DEATH (死亡)

From the power of the Horde... (感受部落的力量吧!)


Surrounded by the enemy, (當我們四面楚歌)

The wolf among the hounds. (戰狼也被追絞)

Thunder turns to silence sek tar,(轟鳴的雷霆歸於寂靜)

Took the hundred to bring me down. (無數的敵人將和我同歸於盡)

Wolf brothers falling at my side, (忠實的戰狼在我旁邊倒下)

With honor I will die. (我將伴著崇高的榮譽戰死)

Upon the Altar of the Storms, (然而在風暴祭壇中)

I will be reborn. (我將重生)

STORM (風暴)

Black clouds fill the sky. (黑雲彌漫著天空)

EARTH (大地)

Hear my battle cry. (傾聽我的戰吼)

FIRE (火焰)

Thunder will bring forth... (雷霆即將來臨)

DEATH (死亡)

For I have been reborn. (我已獲新生)

STORM (風暴)

EARTH (大地)

FIRE (火焰)

DEATH (死亡)

The power of the Horde......(部落的力量!) 妳可以到這下 /soft2/3/1030/41/Power-of-the-Horde.mp3