Communication是來自瑞典的壹個樂隊所演奏的壹個專輯曲目。這個樂隊成立於1992年10月,由五人組成,樂隊成員當時都還不到20歲。在此專輯以前,The Cardigans發行過《Emmerdale》(1994年)和《Life》(1995年),但是除在日本影響頗大,並未引起瑞典以外的註意。是金子總要閃光,《First Band On The Moon》使The Cardigans獲得了世界聲譽。
基本介紹 外文名 :Communication 國籍 :瑞典 出生地 :瑞典 職業 :音樂組合 代表作品 :Emmerdale 樂隊介紹,專輯介紹,專輯評價,英文歌詞, 樂隊介紹 The Cardigans(羊毛衫合唱團),與其他樂隊不同的是,他們的音樂取材於Pop,拉丁,爵士和搖滾。女主唱Nina Persson嗓音清新甜美,將歌曲演繹得婉轉動人,俏皮可愛。那種細巧的小女人情懷,雖然並不是令人非常的受落,但單憑聽覺享受,仍然十分悅耳趣致。也許大家對他們並不是很熟悉,但膾炙人口的電影《羅密歐與朱麗葉》的主題曲《Love fool》,妳們壹定還記得吧,這首單曲不僅獲得英美點播冠軍、英國金榜亞軍,還讓The Cardigans步入壹流樂隊行列。 專輯介紹 距離上壹張專輯6年的時間,The Cardigans帶來了迄今為止情緒上最為黑暗的作品,可能也是歌詞上最為內省、誠實和動人的作品。當初《Love fool》中誘人的甜美不見了,Nina的聲音中多了幾分成熟、沙啞與滄桑的落寞感。 The Cardigans樂隊 聽著這樣的聲音難免有些惆悵,不過《You're the Storm》、《Please Sister》(其中大量使用了管弦樂)這樣的作品中,卻恰到好處的渲染出壹種蕩氣回腸的氣勢。而《Couldn't Care Less》中低沈的鼓聲隨著傷感的歌詞,不斷的敲打在人隱隱作痛的心上,《Feathers And Down》中如羽毛輕輕墜落般的旋律與歌聲卻道出了極簡單又深邃的哲理。 專輯中也有《A Good Horse》、《For What It's Worth》、《Live and Learn》這樣情緒上較為亮色的作品,更充分地展現了Nina聲音的真正實力...沒有炫技、因為誠實而更加的動人,以至於讓人沈溺其中不能自拔。 專輯曲目: 1. Communication 2. You're the storm 3. A good horse 4. And then you kissed me 5. Couldn't care less 6. Please sister 7. For what it's worth 8. Lead me into the night 9. Live and learn 10.Feathers and down sleep 專輯評價 沈澱之後的新輯中充分展現了他們對於音樂工作的執著,錄音工作雖然分別在瑞典、西班牙及英國三地進行,但整體制作方向卻壹致地指向“透過錄音工程完美重現聽覺的臨場體驗”。女主唱Nina的歌聲綻放在樂團整體的音樂表現中,呈現出壹幅幅美妙的音樂風景。 在現今流行樂壇壹股回歸音樂本質的呼喚聲中,《Long Gone Before Daylight》正好回應了這個潮流;除了延續The Cardigans作品中壹向擁有的清新悅耳旋律, 11首以“愛”為主題、散發簡單自然本質的精采作品,誠懇真實而溫暖。開場的《Communication》與《You’re The Storm》,柔美的音符中可以聽見愛情的掙紮;《Please Sister》有著滿滿的衷心懇求;而被主唱Nina形容為“旋律優美、節奏強烈”的首發單曲《For What It’s Worth》,更是在歐洲引發點播風潮。 如果您喜歡昔日The Cardigans清新洗練的音樂風格,那麽《Long Gone Before Daylight》還有著更多讓您贊嘆不已的音樂驚奇。 英文歌詞 歌曲:Communication 演唱:The Cardigans 歌詞: For 27 years I've been trying to believe and confide in different people I found Some of them got closer than others and some wouldn't even bother and then you came around I didn't really know what to call you You didn't know me at all but I was happy to explain I never really knew how to move you so I tried to intrude through the little holes in your veins And I saw you But that's not an invitation that's all I get If this is communication I disconnect I've seen you, I know you but I don't know how to connect so I disconnect You always seem to know where to find me and I'm, still here behind you in the corner of your eye I never really learnt how to love you but I know that I love you through the hole in the sky where I see you and that's not an invitation that's all I get If this is communication I disconnect I've seen you, I know you but I don't know how to connect so I disconnect Well this is an invitation it's not a threat If you want communication that's what you get I'm talking and talking but I don't know how to connect and I hold a record for being patient with your kind of hesitation I need you, you want me but I don't know how to connect so I disconnect I disconnect…… 中英對照歌詞: Communication (by the Cardigans) 《交流》 For 27 years I've been trying 27年來我壹直在嘗試 to believe and confide in 試著去信賴 Different people I've found 我所遇見的不同人 Some of them got closer than others 他們之中,有的人與我比較親密 Some wouldn't even bother 有的人卻是萍水相逢 and then you came around 然後,我與妳相遇 I didn't really know what to call you 那時,我其實並不知道該如何稱呼妳 you didn't know me at all 妳對我也是壹無所知 But I was happy to explain 但是我樂意告訴妳 I never really knew how to move you 我從不真正知道怎樣能打動妳 So I tried to intrude through 於是我試圖闖入 the little holes in your veins 妳心情中的小縫隙 And I saw you 然後,我看見了妳 But that's not an invitation 但是,妳並沒邀請我來了解妳 That's all I get 而那已是我能獲得的全部信息 If this is communication 要是這就算交流 I disconnect 那我寧可斷開 I've seen you, I know you 我見到妳,我認識妳 But I don't know 可我並不知道 How to connect 如何與妳連結 so I disconnect 所以,我選擇分離 You always seem to know where to find me 妳總是看上去像知道我在哪裏 and I'm still here behind you 我也依舊在這裏望著妳,就在妳的身後 In the corner of your eye 我在妳眼睛余光的角落裏 I'll never really learn how to love you 我從不真正了解該如何去愛妳 But I know that I love you 但是,我卻知道我愛妳 through the hole in the sky 我的愛,它穿透天際 Where I see you 它在每每我看見妳的地方 And that's not an invitation 妳並沒邀請我來了解妳 That's all I get 而那已是我能獲得的全部信息 If this is communication 要是這就算交流 I disconnect 那我寧可斷開 I've seen you, I know you 我見到妳,我認識妳 But I don't know 可我並不知道 How to connect 如何與妳連結所以 so I disconnect 我選擇分離 Well this is an invitation 好吧,這次我來邀請妳 It's not a threat 這是邀請,並不是威嚇 If you want communication 要是妳想聯系上我 That's what you get 我已經告訴了妳那麽多 I'm talking and talking 我壹直在說壹直在說 But I don't know 可是,我卻不知道 How to connect 如何與妳連結 And I hold a record for being patient 我保持著如此的耐心 With your kind of hesitation 在妳的猶豫之下如此耐心的我多麽掙紮 I need you, you want me 我需要妳,妳也想我 But I don’t know 但是,我卻不知道 How to connect 如何與妳連結 so I disconnect 所以我選擇分離 I disconnect 我先斷開